Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Tried It Tuesday- Pencil Wars


I am linking up with 4th Grade Flipper’s- Tried It Tuesday!  This is Robyn and I am going to be talking all about pencils.  My sweet darlings are losing pencils like CRAZY and it is driving me CRAZY!! Am I alone here?  I have stealers, borrowers, chewers, biters, and everything in between.  I would find them all over the floor at the end of the day and was going through packs way too often. 

My kids are always ready for a friendly competition, so I decided to have a little contest.  I gave each student a brand new sharpened pencil with eraser.  It also had their name written in Sharpie.  I told them that their challenge was to keep the same pencil for an entire day and they could go to the treasure box.  That was followed by clapping and chattering!  I knew I had them!! I told them that if they could keep it for two weeks they would get an even bigger surprise. The end of the day came and I told everyone to bring their pencils to the carpet.  Everyone had their pencil except for 1 child.  AMAZING! I hope the week goes as well as today!

Sometimes it the little accomplishments that make my day.  Now if only I can figure out how to do this with crayons???? Any suggestions?


  1. We do Ladybug Teacher File's Great Pencil Challenge weekly! We give them gum on Fridays as a reward if they keep the same pencil all week (we label the pencils with a permanent marker.) It's worked wonders for my sanity!


  2. I was going to suggest Ladybug Teacher File's Great Pencil Challenge also. It's either that or velcroing the pencils to their fingers. Lol!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  3. I started a pencil challenge in my room too and it has helped! If they don't need to "borrow" a pencil from me for the whole week, they get extra dojo points. I just need to keep up the enthusiasm now! :)
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  4. I just started using class Dojo! That is a great idea!
