I guess Amy and I had similar thoughts this week! I am also going to talk about journaling, but with the little kinders. I always used journaling when I taught 5th grade math and science. I was really missing it and decided that my kindergarteners were ready! We have done this all week and I think it might just be one of my favorite times during the day. It is short and to the point, but can really focus on a certain area in math. Also the kids LOVE it!
I give the students a strip with a different problem to glue down each day. I start by reading the question aloud and then we discuss. I model on the SMART Board usually. Here is an example from our first entry.
We use 1 subject notebooks that I bought for REALLY cheap at the beginning of the school year. The strip is cut for them and they glue.
I will post again when we get more into the routines. We have been working so hard on numbers 0-20 and writing to 40!! They are doing so well!
Leave a comment and let me know about your adventures with journaling!
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